Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Story Comments and Paragraph’s:

Part 1:
Matt Personal And Political Blog said...
Conor i really enjoyed your story .Your story felt very authentic to real life. It seems like you got a real grasp of how teenagers act in your story.It also seemed that you tackled the idea of how teens act like they don't care about what others think about them.But I wonder is that just another way for them to act cool ? Anyway good job man.

November 24, 2009 9:36 AM

Matt Personal And Political Blog said...
What a great read .I really liked how you made the cool kid not even really see himself as cool. Yet it was the people around him who viewed him as cool.It seemed that being the individual he was, is what infact made him cool. Very nice story.

NOVEMBER 24, 2009 9:44 AM

Matt Personal And Political Blog said...
Really great job.I think you really nailed the idea of challenge people face when it comes to being "Cool". This idea of pressure to be cool you addressed in your story is one we all face and is one I think not talked about anove. But I wonder which rode should we choose ? Do we act like Mike and circle the correct answer and get the grade or do we answer wrong to be accepted ? I wonder, I think this is a internal struggle we all face and with each choice I guess we deicide how cool we our or how cool were becoming.
November 24, 2009 9:55 AM

Matt Personal And Political Blog said...
I like your story alot.I think by showing how cool he wasn't in your story you kinda of expressed how not cool we all our. Theirs a Lou'Qwan in all of us( yes thats what she said) , we all try , try to be something and at the end of the day we all fail.Esipically if thats not who we really our. Made cool isn't about trying but yet just being who ever you our ? Im not sure, anyway great job.

November 24, 2009 10:04 AM

Matt Personal And Political Blog said...
Your story was interesting.You made a character who seemed to be very real. She was cool not because she tryed to be yet because she was being who she was. I think this is a interesting idea because if we our true to ourselves does that make us really cool ? I think so. But I guess the real question is does in matter if other people validate how cool we our ?

NOVEMBER 24, 2009 10:13 AM

Part 2:
As I was reading these stories I realized the two occurring themes or aspects of evoluning “cool” , They seemed to be the fight in between being "authentically cool" and "appearing cool".In seemed infused in this fight was image, sexuality, and attitude. It seemed to be authentically cool one had to just be themselves but to be appear to be cool one had to try to be something their not. What I found was ironic is that most felt to authentically cool was cool but most in their everyday life our constantly trying to be cool.

Making us have to ask what does it take to be really cool? Maybe theirs to real answer. Sadly I think life just makes some people cooler then others, just like some our born in to poverty and others our born in to wealth. Maybe cool in something that one can just get maybe it a gift that just has to be given. Personally I think we worry to much about it because at the end of the day its always going to change nobody will be cool forever. Its like beauty it fades.

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