Monday, December 7, 2009

Outside Cool Resources

1.,Wray,Richard and Jones,Sam."It's SO over: cool cyberkids abandon social networking sites". News and Media Limited 2009
  • The article "It's SO over: cool cyberkids abandon social networking sites" discuses how older people have begun to take over trends from skinny jeans, to investing in thrift store clothes, and to playing the latest games. This new discovery of the older generation in the new generation trends the article argues has begun to kill the trend, making the cyberworld no exception.

2.,"Losing Their Cool: The Downside of Expanding Hot Social Networking Sites". September 20, 2006

  • The article "Losing Their Cool: The Downside of Expanding Hot Social Networking Sites" talks about the social networking site facebook is opening its doors to more people trying to grow beyond its current nine million registered users. But its claims the problem with this is the reach could be risky if it blurs the company's core focus and makes it less "authentic".
3., Ferrier,Adam."How Cool Are You?". May31,2009

  • This blog talked about the 5 factors that make somebody cool,Self Belief and Confidence "Being true to yourself no matter what the environment. having a strong internal locus of control",Defying Convention"Following your own, different path. Born out of passion"Understated Achievement"Being successful, but modest about your achievements",Caring for Others"Being sensitive, left leaning and broad-minded",Connectivity "Being connected to others"


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