Thursday, December 17, 2009

HW 29 -" Merchants of Cool " From The Rack To The Grave

It seems that teenagers have become the new cash cow to marketeers. In their eyes they have the money to buy , buy, buy, and the items in which they are things like clothing, electronics, and music, things that really bring in a pretty penny. What’s also so appealing about the teen consumer is that they make many, of their purchasing decisions on their own. And they have one of the biggest roles on what the family as a whole buys. Perhaps most importantly, companies know that once they find what then ten is into ,they have he or she for life from the cradle to the grave, or should I say from the rack to the grave

These marketers our hitting teens from every angle. To advertising in magazines, movies, TV shows, and in mail . Companies find their demographic and milk for all its worth ,to theirs no real substance left . Marketing is comes a from all directions, twenty-four seven. The companies attach on to teenage issues and anxieties, “like body image, peer acceptance, coolness, and a need for power”,we live in the age the of the coolness factor , and that is what we see in advertisement .All that this advertising is in fact doing is creating insecurities .That if we don’t fit a certain “image” then will never get closer to happiness.

We our growing up in my opinion is one of the most materialistic times ever. We our surrounded by images of excess , and that buy us buying things will find true happiness , true satisfaction. We our being sold a story which is not our own . We our made to think not about the “us” but yet the “I".

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