Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Street Interviews :

What I found striking about this guy was his confidence ,with a smoke of his cigar he didn't hesitate to tell us he was, "The coolest who'd ever lived, it was obvious." Maybe this confidence and cool presence comes from a life lived making his own footsteps or following in the footstep of his idols "Steve McQueen, Clint Eastwood, and old western actors".

This young college was in my
opinion was very honest and up front when asked if she thought she was cool, she said "No not really, just normal." Then we followed up with who the coolest person she knew was, she replied "You guys!", I found that interesting and it made me wonder was she serious ? did she notice something in us that maybe we don't see, maybe just maybe cool is just is in somebodies overall presence ? I know I thought she was pretty cool.
I thought the man was of the coolest guy I've ever meant not because he's lived a perfect life not by a long shot but he was the most humble guy I've ever had the pleasure to come across. He said " that he didn't want to be cool, and that he tried to stay humble and understanding." Then when asked who the coolest person he had met was he said, "I try not to label people. I always like to give them the benefit of the doubt, and enjoy them for who they are." This truly might just be one of the coolest people not because he was trying to be but because it just seem to be natural.

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