Thursday, January 21, 2010

HW #36 Brandon Z. And Michelle G:

Brandon's Paper Re-Write :

Cool has gave many people a false sense of self ,this false identity, and made people search eternally for the answers they seek. The first way many seek to solve this puzzle , is by looking for a solution outside themselves. At first this may be on a very superficial level. Many people in society feel that if only they were “cooler” ,or had lots of money, or a better home, or went on more vacations, or had kinder friends, and bosses and lovers, etc their life’s would magically be perfect , it would all work. But slowly we all wear out our “if only lines”.If only I had this , or that, then everything would make sense, everything would be right. Then its seem like we all get to a point were we search for this solution on a more “real” level, still looking for outside things to validate our own lives, and fill in our void, hoping ones again its going to complete us. Still failing to see that they still bring the same “if only” to this new solution, they would be happy.
It seems that our whole life’s our spent looking outside ourselves for an object or feeling. But if you take somebody that already feels limited , and then try to find something outside to make it feel whole , that something being an object or feeling that is just as limited ,you just end up with more of the same that has made you miserable in the first place. But we still continue try to heal this void by using broken outside bandages, knowing very well that it still won't be healed. We run our whole life’s trying to avoid all that hurt and displeasement, we run from emptiness while trying to fill it at the same time. By doing this we remain separate from our own life’s, looking at it, judging it, analyzing it but not truly living it. Underneath our nice, friendly , "cool mask's" there is a great unease, a unease of fear, pain, and anxiety. These two identities our both authentic but one is used as a mask to cover thee other. We over-drink, over-chill, overeat, overwork, make crude jokes, act fake all to cover-up our own emptiness and insecurities. But once we begin to get a glimmer that the answerer's to the problems in our own life’s our not outside ourselves, but that in fact we hold the answers and meanings of our life we will see that the void we so desperately try to feel can get smaller and smaller and even sometimes become just another dust in the wind.

Michelle's Paper Re-Write:

Coolness it a constant ideal we see scatter throughout our life's from magazines to TV to our own friends.It seems our life's our consumed by cool people, cool technology, cool trends. But what is cool really ,we calmer for i,t no we desire it but what is it? "Cool" is a essence, a attitude, a skill only portrayed by the very best actors,cool is eternal. Tho cool can beinterpreted by everyone different , most would agree it is created by character plays everyday.These characters that our acted out on the stage of life give us our identity and our determinedby our surroundings.

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