Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Family ,Strangers,Friend Responses To "Digital" Society

"Its pretty awesome but it can be boring"-Sister

"We be extremely bored without it"-Brother

"It has both its negative and positives aspects"-Mom

"It's great, revolutionizing our society ,their our some worries but if we learn how to use it could be simply great"-Stranger #1

"Negative aspects out way the positives"-Stranger #2

"I have both meaningful and not meaningful conversations on my cellphone"-Stranger #3

"To much"-Stranger #4

"It's crazy"-Stranger #5

"As long as my child gets their work done i don't really care how long he's on the computer"-Stranger #6

"Who gives a f**k just use it have fun life's to short to sweat things like that"-Friend

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