Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Personal Coments Left and Replyed To:

September 21, 2009 9:03 AM

Matt Personal And Political Blog said...
Christan iam happy you were able to see that my blog was meant to speak to "us" the teens the people really using it .Yeah i really wanted to show kind of the non-reality of this new gigatal world we live in.You the whole idea of being "Authentic".I thing that if we use technogly to bring us together on a deeper level like this more oftem it be more then amazing and the possibilities could be endless.But at the same time i hope we never get to a point were the computer is our face and the keyboards our words.
September 23, 2009 4:05 PM

Matt Personal And Political Blog said...
Thinks Yurelis, yeah i think thats a question to be asking i wish i had a good anwser.I wonder thoe to we have these facebooks and myspaces to stay connected or is it just another mask another tool to fit in.I hope not, i hope no i pray that if our phones and facebooks and what not were stripped away we could still live.I mean we use these things to tell a story but what if the story was just ourselves nothing else no mask ?Maybe overtime nstead of using the digital stuff, will learn to use eachother on a real level.
September 23, 2009 4:11 PM

Matt Personal And Political Blog said...
Conor I thought it was great how you infused humor, insight, and a level of deepness in your blog. The part that really popped out to me was when you said "Anyway I'm not sure how to feel about the whole growing up digital thing. I guess in my mind I feel like it should be bad, but we all do it, and most people do good, right?" I think this is such a true point because throught our teen life's the question keep's coming up how "how do you feel about growing digital ?" and i think if we were to all answer honestly and not try to appear smart we say the same thing "I'm really not sure" because in one way we look at all the benefits of technogly but at same time we cant overlook all the negatives. Only thing i question is the point when you said "we all do it", but is this a good thing? why do we seem to be such puppets and who is really pulling the strings?. But I geuss will have to see where this digital takeover really takes us.I liked your blog a lot Conor and your sense of the world is a truly unquie and just maybe the way more of us should think , i hope next time to see you expand this perspective.Peace

Matt Personal And Political Blog said...
Yazmin i enjoyed the simplistic yet depth of your blog.I think you brought up some very intresting ideas, like when you stated "You should always live life in moderation or else you will become addicted to something." I think this is a very true theory not only for the digital world but for everyday life. It seems that in our new generation, we have no idea about moderation maybe that's why it seems we overdo the entire digital stuff ?, Ones again i just want say your first blog really made me think on a deeper level and i hope next time you write alittle more cause you obvisouly have such great thoughts to give.Peace.

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