Friday, September 11, 2009

My view on digital society in which we live in is complex. I say this because in one respect where the digital feet's that we have been able to accomplish has brought us together, and one could even argue has made a bigger better community its at the same time has made as detach from the real world. We've become individual's so use to what's going on facebook then what's going on in our own society.  Its as if were so addicted to how many friends or notifications we have then how many real friends or even how many "real" conversations we've had face to face. What's happened how has such a great advances in technogly bring us so close but yet so far away ? Will we ever get to a point were everything from happiness to love takes place on a computer screen and not face to face? And on top of that we must ask the question how our these networks profiting off our time. One day I hope we can reflect and say yes thoe we were the so called "digital babies" the tooned out generation at thee end of the day we our the greatest generation because we belived that technogly could build brigdes 


  1. Matthew your Post about digital advances in society, I felt was structured to hit home and the audience you adress.

    One major point you brought up in your thread that was interesting was the differenties between "digi-ality" and reality, having conversations and real conversation along with pixel love and just love.

    Your major points I felt related with whats the 'norm' in urban culture, like the music we listen too, sociality with computers and mobile devices, etc.

    One thing you brought up in your post that i wish i heard you explain more were the ideas of how much digital technology made things better, like a list of some sort.

    Overall, I hope to hear more from you and your thoughts on "digi-ality" and your connections with it.

  2. I liked the way addressed everyone. The main points in your blog were about how we get caught up with social networks like facebook instead of having a real conversation with people we tend to have them over the internet. Your blog was also talking about how the internet shields us away from what is actually happening outside or around us.Your post made me thing about why do i have a facebook account?How much time do i spend on it?. You have said if you thought you were a digital baby and why. Overall i think you had a good post and i hope to hear more of your ideas in the course of this unit.

  3. Christan iam happy you were able to see that my blog was meant to speak to "us" the teens the people really using it .Yeah i really wanted to show kind of the non-reality of this new gigatal world we live in.You the whole idea of being "Authentic".I thing that if we use technogly to bring us together on a deeper level like this more oftem it be more then amazing and the possibilities could be endless.But at the same time i hope we never get to a point were the computer is our face and the keyboards our words.

  4. Thinks Yurelis, yeah i think thats a question to be asking i wish i had a good anwser.I wonder thoe to we have these facebooks and myspaces to stay connected or is it just another mask another tool to fit in.I hope not, i hope no i pray that if our phones and facebooks and what not were stripped away we could still live.I mean we use these things to tell a story but what if the story was just ourselves nothing else no mask ?Maybe overtime nstead of using the digital stuff, will learn to use eachother on a real level.
