Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Video Project Comments Left And Replyed To:

Matt Personal And Political Blog said...

I thought your video blog was very intresting. When i saw you using your computer it made me think how much time do we just waste doing abousltely nothing. Is this really using our time productively ? I don't know. But maybe sometimes we just need that time , you know doing "stupid shit". Maybe toneing out isn't as bad , as we our made to believe ? I hope to hear your thoughts. Peace,Love,Respect.

Matt Personal And Political Blog said...

Yeah I thought you did a great job on you video post and kind really showed the same kinda of "lost in the digital world vibe like everybody else." It seems that somehow weather it be a computer , phone, or ipod we seem to all fall victim to its strange power. A power that don't think is discussed anove. How can something so great , be at the time destorying our lives ? Were so connected that were almost not connected to the world around us.I hope We get to a place that we find a balance , if it even exist.

Matt Personal And Political Blog said...

Michelle I'm happy you enjoyed my blog.Yeah it really seems that as if we our trying to escape some deadly fate that we believe will happen to us if we turn the computer off and put the phone down.Maybe in fact we do this because were afraid of what happens when we start getting real? Maybe if even for a second we toned all the nonsense out we notice all the little things in life ? I geuss in a way it's kinda of hypocritical but isn't it normal to always wish better for your kids.I think theirs something about being outside that no Wii can ever really replace.I know when I listen to a song what ever kinda of feeling the songs gives off I inturn feel the same way.

Matt Personal And Political Blog said...

Yeah Brandon I think we really cant help or change that digital stuff is going to eventually take over our lives.And will probalay be the key figure in our child's life's.But I hope that we learn to balance it out. That we don't get lost in the chaos of the digital world. I think if we found this balance we can be memebers of both "realities" in a real way. Because both aspects of real life and digital life have good and negative affects.But we our the the deciders of what our digital future's will be


  1. Thanxx for the advice truly got what you were saying on how sometimes
    we do need time to just do "stupid shit" because it helps get "away" for a while. We both agree that toning it down is a good idea, but you say as we are made to believe. which is true because we are always being told to stop spending so much time on internet. i hope too that we can find balance between digital media and our life.
    thanxx again.

  2. To Matthew:

    You have the same idea as me when it comes to Digital Technology. Your comments to my video only helped improve my thoughts on this unit and the many different ways being digital is effecting us now, and what it may do in the future. Your comment in made me realize that I'm not the only one who feels the way I do whe n it comes to digital media and what role it plays in our lives daily. The unit in andy's class is succeeding in bringing alot of young minds together and expand the overall similar ideas. SO what do you think will possibly happen in the future with digital technology, having today's use of it as evidence? Many answers can be put after that question, it's just so interesting to hear about them all. I appreciate your comments and hope to get more great feedback.
