Tuesday, September 29, 2009


  1. What are some thoughts and feelings you have when watching your own video? I feel as if in a way I'm watching myself compeletely zoned out. Like its almost like I'm their but I'm not.
  2. When you think about living your physical experience being largely what is shown on the video, how does that seem to you? Its kind of scary, you know to think that I spend a good amount of my time doing nothing but at the same time I'm having fun.So the question then becomes what matters most fun or do something serious with your time ?
  3. Would you want your little sister (or future son) to spend a lot of time doing this stuff? I don't think so, i like to give them a different taste of life , more active but i still let them enjoy the wonders of tech.
  4. What do you think of the contrast between what's happening ON the digital representation device and what you look like interacting with the DRD? Sense i was listening to music i think their was a automatic connection between my emotions and the music in which I was listening to.
  5. What do you think of ideas like the Wii that are supposed to make this contrast less stark?I think things like this bring people more and more into the digital world. I hope we don't get to the day were we forget to who we our.


  1. Matt,

    I overall liked your response to the questions. I agree with you about how technology is taking over a lot of our daily lives. I liked when you specifically said how the music you listen to matches up with your emotions. This just proves how technology is able to find it's place in our lives.

    I personally feel that digital technology IS a huge part of our lives and is still increasing. It's only a matter of time before EVERYTHING is digital. Once again, i enjoyed your comments and feel that they would make a bigger impact of the classes thoughts if you expanded a little.

    Overall Great Job.

  2. Hi

    I like how you were like you were there but were really not, I feel the same. Because its like for a while we " escape reality" and it can be pretty fun. When you state that you probably want your sibling or future son to be more active, i noticed so many people say the same. I did but doesn't it make us seem a bit hypocritical because one spends so much time on digital media????

    I agree that things like the Wii just brings more people to these things to the point that one day we just won't go outside to play like for ex. tennis. Because why should we? we can just do it on the Wii. And it can makes us forget other important things like being active. These are all really great points but if you would expand a bit more for example how is there a connection between your emotions and the songs or why do you personally find digital media fun???

    Enjoyed your blog post, hope to hear more of your thoughts!!!

  3. Michelle I'm happy you enjoyed my blog.Yeah it really seems that as if we our trying to escape some deadly fate that we believe will happen to us if we turn the computer off and put the phone down.Maybe in fact we do this because were afraid of what happens when we start getting real? Maybe if even for a second we toned all the nonsense out we notice all the little things in life ? I geuss in a way it's kinda of hypocritical but isn't it normal to always wish better for your kids.I think theirs something about being outside that no Wii can ever really replace.I know when I listen to a song what ever kinda of feeling the songs gives off I inturn feel the same way.

  4. Yeah Brandon I think we really cant help or change that digital stuff is going to eventually take over our lives.And will probalay be the key figure in our child's life's.But I hope that we learn to balance it out. That we don't get lost in the chaos of the digital world. I think if we found this balance we can be memebers of both "realities" in a real way. Because both aspects of real life and digital life have good and negative affects.But we our the the deciders of what our digital future's will be
