Sunday, October 18, 2009


I decied for my experiment to go a entire day without any technolgy. I woke up around 8:30 and I immidateley went to turn my TV on ,then it hit me "experiment is still on" .I have to say not useing tech. really left me alittle lost but it gave me a certain kind of peace.See i usually expect to get ,a text to chill or that speacil call you get from the person you care about,those little things.So it was werid to adjust, in a werid way it was as if I was just left with myself and my own thoughts.So I decied to do what I love , I just walked around and noticed stuff it was real peaceful.I feel as if it kind of gave me a chance to re-focus even if for a moment.I wonder how much dose tech. make us avoid our own lifes and situations ? How much dose it make us blind? In way i wonder if tech goes against exactly what its trying to do help? Maybe its not building connacts but destorying them.

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