Monday, October 19, 2009

Feed A

In the world of feed things have changed drastically from what we know or so we think, in our present real time technogly and people our two different things. In our reality people use technogly itsnot apart of them.But in the world of Feed by M.T. Anderson things have changed, in this futuristic world people have technogly in their brain's called the feed.The feed allows the main charater , a teenager named Titus to know exactly what the latest fashion is, and where to go when he wantsto find "happiness" ,which happens to be the moon.
Not a single one of his friends read, because in their world their is no need for School when everything you need is given to you through the feed, who need to think for oneself? There is no silence,no hiding only constant gratavacation.But it seems that the exact place were the feed brought him, the moon, is what changedeverything he thought he knew . He meets an extrodinary girl , Violet, who know's what it means to be real, who know that theirs more to life then the feed.In fact she wants to fight against it, against the constant feed. She opens up Titus's eyes , so that he will join the rebellion against government control.From their the feed ends and Titus's life begins.
Feed truly is a book that you have to read, even if it makes no sense to you at first, take your time its funny on the surface but if you digg realy deep youll see how real and terrifying it really is.As we continue to see teachnology advance and bring us into this new age, the Feed goes a step further in show us what this world looks like alittle further in this new age and even how it just might look now if we wernt so blinded. Because honestly dose the Feed really go far from the control and brainwashing we see in our own lives? In the Feed consumerism becomes America'a ideal, its guiding light, to be honest I see no difference in our own present day.Just maybe if we really took the time to really see what the Feeds getting at we would see something a lot closer to our own reality, but i geuss that be to scary for any of us to admit.

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