Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Feed B

The Feed show's a future that has the internet into a compleatly new thing know as the feed ,basically its a entire computer network programmed straight to the brain .Their is no such thing as privacy in this new world .Corporations have been allowed to freely brainwash the minds of odinary people. Their thoughts are constanstly brothered by a non-stop feed, and to the point wheir the government can even control's people's own memories.
The coporations keep track of purchases and interests of people who feed have the feed in their mind so that they can group them in almost like consumer intrest categories. People can chat with eachother through their feed almost like telepathy, for them its like a modern day messenger.
They live in a world where technology has merged with people, so much so that the line is blurred . The novel is a allegory about consumerism,teachnogly ,privacy, teens,corporate power, and so much more in qur society. Their lives revolve around the feed, and the knowledge it holds but if we look close we would see thats not a far cry from our own lifes.Anderson uses his book like a artist uses his canvas to reshape how we live our daily lifes and how we interact with the big world around us.So maybe if we take out the "feed" in our heads we might just see the world for how it is or could be.

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