Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rough Draft

Since the Industrial revolution, it appears that the advancement of technology in society has been on the fast track. That this constant “feed” of technology comes from societies need for this “perfect lifestyle” therefore there is a continued push of all things new to allow people to cope with their surroundings’s. We saw in the late 1800's and 1900's a need for invention .This need brought technology in to the future we now know. The need for transportation gave us vehicles into the market. The need for faster production lead to mechanical machines, changing the need of worker’s forever . The invention of television brought media and entertainment into the home’s of almost every citezen . Before the 1950's, radio and newspapers were the only ways to bring media and entertainment into the home. The invention of mass productions brought many people from rural, suburban area’s into the city. We now see a generation more reliant on technology then ever before. Many of these technological advances have been great, however, there is a negative aspect to all this technology aswell. Technology can serve to actually harm humans rather then help them. Competition between companies or even cities can sometimes make lives for humans even worse.

First, our dependence on technology is making us loss connection with the world around us . For decades societies main concern has been survival. In the post modern society to survive meant to go out into the world, and hunt and gather for what the family needs . People of modern society don’t think about hunting for food or clothes. It appear today, it is all brought ,spending and buying has instantly become the new survival. This ideal of survival consist of making money to go to a maga-mall or local supermarket to get what the family needs. A person can get clothes and food at these places without ever having to step foot in a forest or lake or even a farm. Some would argue this is a a wonderful, even utopian way to live but their’s also a very frightening undertone to it. When somebody goes into a supermarket to buy chicken, they have no clue on the process that went into the arrival of that very chicken .They never needed to go to that farm , all that was needed was a simple drive to the supermarket and a swipe of the credit card . No hands on work was necessary. The dependance of technology to help slaughter, clean, package, and even buy has made humans loss connection with the world around them. But the question then becomes what negative aspect will this have? Society has to realize that while we our huddle in our cozy virtual communities our real cities our falling apart around us, at least partly because of our dependence on technology. It seems that society as awhole is constantley looking for the easy way out , and it seems the easy way out for us has become technology , so the questions have to be asked , will we one day try to run from the unpleasant complications of the world outside by opting for communities in 'cyberspace,' where we can find the joy of peopl who share our same forms of happiness? Oh but wait what happens if we can hear the noises coming from outside ruining our virtual community ? I geuss with the ease of technology we can get something digital that helps us distract us from the noise ? See societies dependence keeps growing and growing and at the very same time they keep becoming sepearated from “real” life. People our getting lazy. Almost everything must be done for them in advance.The dependence and ease of technology while making great strides in making our society a great place to live, is also bringing many negative aspects . Hopefully society will find a balance .

Second, competition can lead to a negative effect of technology. Lets say that a corporation in the United States produces cars and a corporation in Japan also produces cars, now these two corporations have no other choice but to fight for their market share. Now the corporation in Japan buys more machines that will help cut the amount of workers needed and overall increase the output, following these changes the corporation can lower the price of their product. If the corporation in the U.S. doesn't also go down this same trail they could be forced out of the market . So now the corporation has no other choice but to the machines just so they can compete . This has a negative effect on the employees and their familes who will be replaced by the new machines. In a article by Associated Content it stated “These robots can be operated at a cost of $5.50 () an hour. This includes purchase price and maintenance. Compare this with the $18.10 an hour paid the blue-collar auto worker in wages and benefits, and the lure of robots speaks for itself. Everyday more and more people are laid off from work because of these machines. For example, when an electric company in moved in a computer-robot to produce vacuum-cleaner parts, it was found that the robot and four people could do the work formerly done by 120 workers.” While this might help save the company thousands of dollars, their will still be 120 workers laid off .That’s simply not fair and is all a result of technology. Tho competition can help a community in one aspect it must also be fairly noted that it can hurt it as well. Competition can directly stimulate the economy, however, long term effects, for example the loss of jobs could explain some of the negative effect of technology .

Finally, The easiness of technology is making us forget the negative effects it has on our society. The cell-phone has to be one of the greatest inventions in technology in the last 100 years but without real awareness, to the fact that their our many negative effects alined with this “great” communication gadget, both health and social problems are at risk. Addiction to cell phone usage seems to be the biggest of these social problem’s, and the thing people are most unaware of having. This addiction seems to be the impulse to have constant connact with people in their social network. But this addiction is not just primaly a adult, teen , or child problem but yet it seems all our falling victim to cell phone addiction. Today’s generation has been grappled into text messaging , a style of communication that let’s them to stay in touch with their friends through their cell-phones . As time spent casualy texting their friends increase, time spent with their cellular phones increases . As a result more and more people who use cell phones for social interaction are becoming introverts. They find it easiar to use cell phones to allow them to connect with people virtualy instead of having to keep in touch with these people in a face-to-face interaction. This gives them a privacy and intimacy with people without worrying too much. But as a result, it creates a social gap between people in the society. Face-to-face converstaion’s or traditional communication is begining to dissappear making talking wirelessly or text messaging it’s replacement because of people’s believe of its sufficentcy, But how sufficent is never talking to a person face to face? .As these social problems are taken for granted so our health issues. These cell phone devices use radio frequency to receive and send calls or texts which lets off radiation which causes related health problems. Ignorance is the problem of the society regarding technologies like cell phone’s. People are absorbed by the easyness and positive impacts of this social communication device making them ignor its hidden negative effects. If people do not start realizing the social and health effects of the technoligies like the cell phones, then the negative effects will soon outweigh the positive effects of these technologies createing more problems for the future generations.

Cellular phones , video games, social networking, robots, machines, automobiles, voice mail, answering machines, computers, pagers, internet services, and flash drives are just a few of the new technologies that have been created in the past few decades. These inventions have and will forever change the landscape of society as a whole . Technology continues to develop very rapidly. It is very easy to tell that the future holds more and more new technology that will continue to effect everyone in some way. This new technological and digitization age has many advantages along with it comes many disadvantages. Society now is seeing the beginning of a digital revolution. This revolution will undoubtly effect societies way of both thinking and living. The extent of this revolution has yet to be determined and or how it will change peoples lives. Hopefully overtime, the negatives will be worked out and the end result will be that new age will be nothing but positive for society.

Some would argue technology is truly the blood that pumps through the veins of society. It is the hammer that has and is shaping our lives. It is at the core of people’s daily life’s and is the driving force behind them. Society some would view has more then benefitted from its genius . Technology has brought a ease and luxury never seen by the common man. It has saved society from both the paroles of human effort and time to a overwhelming extent. It has brought ones distant lands and people closer and simplified the access of information. For example in the paper where the negative affect of machines in the work place was argued, some would completely disagree. Their view seems to be that machines have made efficient crucial industrial processes in the work place. That machines have been able to take the place of many physically inaccessible jobs executed by human workers. Technology has evolved to an extent where life does not need to be as hard, that man can stop asking “why?” and instead “why not” because the use of advanced technologies has proven that humanities problems our soon long behind them. Tasks like mining and space exploration can be done at a control instead of risking a life . It could be argued that he most exciting breakthroughs of the 21st century will not occur because humans but yet because of the capabilities of technology American Entrepreneur and Founder of Microsoft Co. Bill Gates said “We're changing the world with technology.” and so maybe society just is.

In conclusion, it is starting to become apperent the negative effects of technology on society . Competition brought on by technology has taken away jobs . A change in lifestyle among almost every human being is yet another negative effect of technology. What has happened to people since the start of digitalization ? People do not want to do anything for themselves. They find it much easier to have someone or some technology do it for them. Technology is making us forget the negative effects it has on our society. Many people count on cell-phones, ipods and computers knowing very well if somehow it was all taken away from them they go into chaos because they our reliant on it. Society has to begin to look at the advantages and consequences and measure if society will benefit or suffer from the technology if not we could face a very grim new world.


  1. Matt,

    You have a lot of good evidence, and like how you start off by giving readers backroung info. It really made me understand how it is harming us and could easily tell what your three arguments were. all you really need is opposing viewpoints but besides that its a great start.

  2. Matthew,
    Your paper not only has good topics to discuss, but you also have great evidence to support it. After reading your paper, I think all you have to do is do little editing like spelling. Great Job.
