Saturday, April 3, 2010

46 Research and Writing

The Catcher in the Rye is a novel written by J.D. Sailinger.Its written form the perspective of main chracter Holden Caulfields after his expulsion from Pencey Prep, a college prparatory school in the city of Agerstown,Pennsylvania. It deals with troupes we see in our own lifes such as confusion,angst,alienation,sexuality , and rebellion.The novel's chracter is a true antihero, who throught he novel is the model for teenage rebellion.
Holden Caulfield is a typical teenager, tall, skinny, highly critical and depressed . In the novel Caulfield is academically flunking out of his prep school, one could argue maybe because tey dont teac to is abilietes. Holden a seventeen is higly critical of everyting, esipically others, he points out every single flaw of their chracter . Maybe if his high esteemed prep school were to teach to these skills, they would of help to make a overall wiser young man. When Caulfield was expelled or even while watching, final football game of the season before,he didnt care, he had no intrest in established tradition. Which show's how very pointless school is, because in had to real affect, no real place in the heart or mind of Caulfield, maybe because it just didnt grap on to the things that were important to him or challange him as a indivual.This idea having no intrest in established tradition applys to all teens, and until that bridge is gaped teyll always be a discontent like in The Catcher in the Rye.
A intresting point in the book to point out is when Caulfield has his younger sister, Phoebe, meet him at lunchtime. Phoebe tells Caulfield that she goint to run away with him. Angred by this he refuses, feeling that he has influenced her to want to go with him instead of staying in school. Upset she will not speak a word to him. Knowing that she will follow him, he walks letting her anger subside. Phoebe starts talking to Caulfield again, and Caulfield promises to forget about his plan to run away and return home and school. I tink this is a intresting point in te story to bring up, to just very briefly touch on the reasons we even go to school in the first place, I think many who go to school to make someone happy. Why else ?, not saying that everyone hate's it but for most its just a real pain but they still go. I feel it comes from a misplaced need to make the ones we love, even ouselves, happy, thats why we put through long days , a ton of un-useful info, because as upsurd as it might be theirs nothing that compares to the smile of the one you love when you feel like you did something to cause it.But this apply's to many other beside school such as why people work.

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