Monday, March 15, 2010

HW 45 - More Big Thoughts on Schools

Their our several critics that Ted Sizer held to truly understand his views of American high school and what had to be done to change them. Sizer claimed that the 50-minute classroom block used in most scheduling, restricted l the depth of teaching and learning. Sizer found the extensive system of electives pointless, he felt as if disturbed from the core curriculum. Sizer was also unsure on high school sports. Sizer insisted that education must be a system of give and take one on one interaction between teacher and student. Sizer believed students should constantly be submitting writing and then revising and re-revising in response to the teacher revisions .Sizer believed that schools should be a supportive environment, with least bureaucracy as possible. These were the main principles of his philosophy:
1. Learning to use one's mind well
2. Less is More, depth over coverage
3. Goals apply to all students
4. Personalization
5. Student-as-worker, teacher-as-coach
6. Demonstration of mastery
7. A tone of decency and trust
8. Commitment to the entire school
9. Resources dedicated to teaching and learning
10. Democracy and equity

E.D. Hirsch believed that while understanding text was a crucial skill in determining comprehension, but he believed the key to it all was background knowledge a student held. This discovery led Hirsch to formulate the concept of cultural literacy, which was the idea that reading comprehension requires not just good anaylsising skills but also wide-ranging background knowledge. He concluded that schools should teach a highly specific structure curriculum that would allow children to understand things on a grander stage. Hirsch believed the theories of such noted people like Ted Sizer were only causing more harm than good, causing for poor educational performance and increasing inequalities in class and race.

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