Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Class Extra Credit

The Class,is one of the few authentic "super teacher" films Ive seen. It's not some. This isn't some Hollywood painting of teaher and student starring Hilary Swank or Michelle Pieffer.This movie is truly based in fact , a true first hand account of a teacher who taught in the tru belly od the beast in the multi-ethnic areas of Paris .The Class was a true glance at the educational system . Theirs no over played drama in the movie ,we see every single detail lined out in the film making no one doubt that both teacher or student is "human", real.Its not like most teacher films which fellow the same troupes of having some one come out at the end looking like they've reached the top of the world, their our no real hero's or villains, winners or lossers, savoirs or saved just a sea of people trying to find answers. What struck me was when one student says bluntly to Mr. Marin at the end of the last class that he really didnt retain anything from the past nine months.

The Class is one of those rare films that everyone can relate to one way or another. It reminds us how crappy it really is to be a kid in school , but also still gives us a clear sense of how school without a shodow of a doubt is and always will be a institution. François Bégaudeau the "super teacher", give such a clear portrait of the man behinde the title, their is no true superman teacher complex, theirs just man trying his best to be a teacher and person. Watching the film we get a true sense that he really dose care about all of his students on a deep emotinal level, but he still keep a balance, a invisible line one could say of firm and understanding.And It's a extremly fine line he finds himself walking since he has to juggle a class made up of an ethnic melting pot. We see a class growing before our eyes , discussing stirring conversation, even when Mr. Marin is asked if he's gay,thoe most would construde this to be rude I see it as a stusent trying to make sense of a senseless world around him, looking for some kind of knowledge , or when he has to work with a black girl who wasnt really participating in class, we see growing and knowledge.

Seeing these fellow students faces like me, and seeing the constanst changing converstation of faculty behind closed doors we a overall view of whats going on behide us. We see how tough decisions have to be made under certain circumstances and the dramatic cousequences of these decesions.The Class was almost like a rear view window into my own life.

The film is undoubtly a revelation into the bittersweet world of teaching . There is a student who is troublesome, disruptive ,refuses to do do work, but Marin keeps trying ,wanting to reach him but not observing he cant reach him if he dosent even understand .The Class pulls back the veil , and approaches the story not from a straight dramtic viewpoint but a real life viewpoint ,nothing is left out , we see these characters as what they are, people.People like us who have both rewarding and heartbreaking moments . The story goes beyond the standard film and into the true class rooms , were their is no super story, just another day with black , white and spots of gray.

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