Saturday, April 24, 2010

HW 49 - savior/teacher film

Well sense this wasnt my classes movie I cant say I had any personal contribution in the film.Personally I found the short film to be really well done.It seemed that the overall message of the film of section 1 class was to explore and express the discontent of the students and beacause of the lack of care for education schools fail to accomplish their goal creating intelligent students.I like how the film linked to demonstrate this point by having the students at the end of the short film just keep talking as if their wasnt just outburst from their own teacher, showing their true lack of care for the educational system . The film make's a clear point to address that the kids failure is the teachers failure , just as the teachers failure is that of the kids failure, this internal bound is one that can not be ignore or broken. Making it clear that the relationship between student and teacher is not as simple as we like to portray it.I think the film also showed how different goals can shape the overall direction, as we see between the teacher and student, both had varying goals causing deep seeded conflict,because of the students unwillingness to learn they learnt nothing. This brings up a very important point one can not be enlighten or educated if they dont want be , it is up to the taecvher to teach the lesson but up to the student to accept the lesson. The film shows a clear diection of exploring the negative aspects of school.

I think from off the back we can see the automatic difference between sections 1 film and the other teacher films weve wactched is the lack of a super teacher ,the teacher in sections 1 film failed.Unlike the "super" teacher films, all of Will's chracters teacher methods failed he couldn't sadly reach the students and they ended up "winning", having the teacher burst out in anger and preatty much storm out of class . The film also made it clear not to paint the teacher as a savior which is the norms for most super teacher films. Even the personal breakdown of the teacher made no connection what so ever with the students unlike other films, were at one point or another a connection was made.

I think this fil clearly makes us re-exam the connection between salvation and education in our culture, I think it would be naive for us to not realize their is a gap or missing piece between salvation and education in our school system. I mean yes do teachers help to make some students more aware or tech tem new things yes but how many enlighten.Its sad fact thoe because in my opion the whole goal of true learnin is to be at the end more enlighten then you were before.I feel we must learn as a people salvation does not come from any one else but ouurselves, we can only save ourselves, we must be the super to our man.

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