Friday, May 7, 2010

HW 53 - Survey Analysis

I was surprised to find the statistics about suicide, in a article I was reading it stated that suicide is the "3rd leading cause of death among those 15 to 25 years of age and the 6th leading cause of death among those 5 to 14 years of age." When live our daily life's not comprehending the fact that five years old are killing themselves. A reported "500,000 teenagers try to kill themselves every year, and about 5000" succeed.My god its seems the biggest killer isn't just cancer but the silent killer suicide.

But me like so many others our blind, hiding be hide the veils of laughter not for a minute considering that the face laughing wit us actually is holding a deep tragic truth inside. Maybe these people who have experienced suicide or the want of suicide our trying to hide what their going through from their friends, family, and even sometimes themselves . Sadly, rather than face suicide as a fact of how their lives's its easier to never talk about it in open conversation. But who am I to ask isn't it obvious, isn't the subject of suicide being brought up among two friends just to uncomfortable subject to talk about .

It is my believe that the silence indeed hurts.It hurts all involved, from the family to the acquaintances .Lack of communication between friends and family can only hurt a hurting heart even more.What a Friend if not a person you can depend on. Humans have a strong desire to talk about and have deep discussions with others who understand .But on that's same token we have this need to be perfect, to hide our deepest flaws, our deepest pains. Its seems our greatest fear is to not be accepted, understood, loved , so instead of having real conversation's we hide only sharing our true life's in glimmers of conversations.

A part of me even tho I'm a very prideful person myself believes we have to be pen and honest its the the best way, the only way for to become whole, build real relationships. I think its the only way really begging to heal the emotional, or even physical condition. Think for a second how many people have been saved from cancer because they shared a concern with someone who could help them or even help them to seek help. Talking about suicide is no different, we must begin to talk to one another if we really want to help our own life's. It is my believe that with help and time, anyone can be helped.

Over and over again it seems people our taking the route of suicide to heal their pain , "fifty percent of the general public have seriously considered suicide" as a solution to their problems. I would argue to say that at some point in every one's life, at least, in passing thought of what it be like if they wernt in the world, if suicide was the best option. The danger is when one acts on this spark , when one takes their own life, but what i find to be even more troubling is the fact that with a conversation with that person, that friend, that lover, that parent might of been saved but we were to busy laughing.

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