Monday, May 3, 2010

HW -HW 52 - Initial Theories of Human Relationships "A Man In Quite Desperation"

I've deiced to talk about love. Love , in my 18 years of life Ive experience my forms of love and hopefully god willing Ill have more to come. Love next to hate seems to be the strongest and fewest emotion one really has. Yes we "love" to go around writing on people's facebooks, hands , text, and even to their to their faces proclaiming our love very few actually do. See I have many so called friends , it my opinion more acquittances , but if I really think about I don't love any of them. I like them , I enjoy them but I don't really love. Yes theirs a few I can think of that I truly do love but that's just it a "few". See love even for those who not "believe in it" must still view it has a powerful force. Love to me is when you care so much for someone you don't just accept them for all their perfections but their imperfections, love is when you cant see your life without them, love is a everlasting friendship with someone.

Still don't be fooled by those who would have you believe love is all giving because its as much about taking. See love is balanced sharing, give and take.I can say without a shadow of a doubt theirs only one person I know that truly loves me, my mom. She would give up whatever she had to see me happy, see to her I'm not just another somebody in a crowded room, I'm her "baby", I'm her sunshine.

That's real love, not the crap the movies or little tween's screaming out "Justin Bieber" our trying to sell you. See love at its heart if its real is unconditional. Outside of my mom I feel like I have felt this for another but the fact is as much as they said they felt the same for me I knew they didn't. It hurts especially being a guy ,reserved guy on top of that and putting yourself out their to a girl and knowing that your not getting what you wanted out the situation. See that's the trick or risk with love, you might feel it and give it but never receive it. As much as we feel like we choose love who we give it to, how we recevie , its my opinion we don't, love chooses ,we only wait.

Larry Christenson said "A genuine caring love is like a tree that is mature.It does not get uprooted by every passing wind of feeling or change. It develops with time a strong root structure. It sends out sturdy branches. It can survive dry spells ..." I think this is a very true insightful quote about love. If its real love its constantly growing changing dealing with the unsettling world around it. I hope one day outside my mom , I find someone who love's me like this, heck I hope one day I cant fully come to peace with myself that I love me like this. But until then Ill my heart open , my eyes wide, and my mind closed. Because it is my opinion that the thoughts of the mind of no affair in the love of a heart.

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