Friday, May 14, 2010

HW 55

Overall Topic:

Link BTW Life And Relationships

Possible Questions:

Part 1:
Meaning Of Relationships/Why Do We Form Them ?

How Should We Live Our Life's ?

Do We Take For Granted The Relationships In Our Life's?

Is Their A Such Thing As Love ?

Why Do Most Marriages Fail?

Are We Our Parents?

Is Life Made Up Of Miracles Or Accidents ?

Are We Simply Living To Die Or Dieing To Live ?

Who Determines Who We Are ?

Is Their True Happiness And If So What Is It ?

How Are We Shaped By Are Environment ?

Can People Ever Change ?

Part 2:

Comment Left For Arden:

Well I think you have a good topic/question, since friendship seems to be a dominant force and common link in all are life's. Here our some others questions that you might want to add or use or even think about in further research:

1.,Can We Give Guidelines For Friendship ?

2., Is True Friendship Made Up Of Acceptance Or Conformity ?

3., Do We Choose Our Friends Or Does Society?

4., Is Their A "Real" Difference BTW Friends and Other Relationships?

5.,Are We Define By The Friends We Keep?

6.,Are We A Reflection Of Our Friends?

5., Can Complete Opposites Still Have The Citeria To Be A Good Friend ?

6.,Do We Grow With Friendships Or Simply Grow-out?

7.,Our Friendships Needed In Ones Life ?

8.,If A Majority Of High-School Friendships End After Four Year's Our They Important?

9., Our Their Different Types Of Friendships ?

10., Is Friendship A Formula, A Standard Scripted Relationship Or More?

11., What Our The Theories Be-hide Our Need And Ideals We Hold About Friendship?

Comment Left For Evan:

I think you have such solid beginning. Maybe you can house all of these questions under the umbrella of :

Are Our Identities Defined (or you can say Shaped) By Are Households?

Great job Evan.

Part 3:

New Question:

Are children of divorce more likely to suffer from behavioral, social,
academic, and psychological problems than children raised in two-parent families ?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Matt,
    You have various good different questions one of the one's u think you should consider reasearching is Are We Simply Living To Die Or Dieing To Live ? or How Should We Live Our Life's ? But that question is kind of complex but if you wanted to i know you can make it into a good reasearch paper it all depends.
