Monday, May 17, 2010

HW 56

  1. How can we be sure that we really love someone?
  2. Does love wear out with time?
  3. What does getting married add or take from are lives??
1.,When you are completely comfortable with them ,physically & emotionally.

2.,I think romantically it does, but not like family wise

& i also think love can get stronger over time

3.,MMM.... i think it takes away from our personal freedom


1.,Im honestly not sure. thats why love can be complicated and why it takes a long time to truley find the one

2.,I think it can... but true love doesnt

3.,I dont know wat to sayyy but im like fifty fifty on the whole marriage thing, i think its great and it shows how commited you are to another person... although part of me is kinda of against it. i think it has become a little over rated because i dont think marriage should have to prove how much u love someone


1.,I dont think you can answer it because love comes in different forms, so the love you have for your parents is more natural than a romantic relationship

2.,I don't know if wear out is the right term... I think people can fall out of love or situations may happen where you see a side of the person that changes you perspective of them.

3.,Well I've never been married... but I mainly think it adds a label and gives the couple a seal of approval... however a lot of couples cheat on each other so I don't know how much a sign of commitment is really true.


1. i think that when we love someone, its someone that we can trust, someone that we can spend hours and hours with and never get tired, its someone that you can laugh with, someone that your proud down the street with, someone that cares about you, wants to know about your day, wants to be there for you when things get tough. love is when you can trust someone with anything. love is when you believe in what you have with that person, and nobodys gunna stop you.

2. i honestly that true love does not wear out. my parents have been together for 27 years, and there love is still strong. thats real love. it can wear out, but then that means that the love you had with that person wasnt strong enough to last. its better to have love and lost, than to not have loved at all.♥

3. getting married requires a lot of responsibilty. yes it may take out time from other things that you use to do like spending all your time with friends or going out and partying. but you also have someone there to spend your life with, to wake up with and go on adventures and laugh with, and learn things from. it takes away time from what you use to do, because you now have someone to do other things with.

love is a really special. and anyone who finds true love, is a lucky person♥

Survey Question :

Do You Think You'll Ever Get Married ?

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