Monday, December 27, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010

From watching the film and my own experience I didn't feel any culture really have a better "way to parent", I feel hat each culture raised their child based on their society, in fact I think it be very culturally insensitive to judge . I think it be hard for anyone born in a "modern" style society to claim their way is right or even better than anyone else, were all different, we all have instinct difference as Andy has said time and time again , its for us to accept those difference. And I feel the movie clearly try's to put out the concept that no matter which "way is better" the end goal is the same slowly but surely raise functioning human beings, which is also a universal trait among parents. We can see this at the end of the movie , when all the babies have finally learned how to crawl and walk around , their first step into discovering the big blue world.

In this we see that at the end of the day it didn't matter what technique they used because the end result was the same the babies accomplish the goal . So I think the main thing to learn from this is the only way to fail is to not do anything at all, inactivity in the direct enemy to progress. Tho I feel it be a bit naive not to take some techniques to become a more successful parent in helping you child achieve goals. For example Japanese parents took their children to play in groups , this allows the child to learn how interact and play with others , creating a more social adequate child. I think this in one example of how incorporating different techniques from varying culture's can make for a better well rounded child.

Monday, May 24, 2010

58-Parenting , "The Good , The Bad, The Indifferent and The Miracle"

In this small unit I feel like Ive been absorbed in the idea of parenting, of what being a parent is, of what makes a good one. Everyone and their mother, no pun intended has a different take on these ideas. From everything I've heard I wont lie and say the cliche that "parenting is the most rewarding job" .Parenting like anything else has its ups and its downs.Good , bad, or indifferent as my moms says it is the greatest but the hardest job in the world.

I asked my mom, why she choose to be a parent, out of the million other things she could of done with her life, why have kids?She very boldly and honestly told me it was to have a extension of herself, something of hers that would live much after she was gone. We both laughed realizing what a selfish ,self indulge reason this was, but its the truth, the truth I feel that is universal for why most have children. But after I feel we realize the selfishness of this act, the pure but conceited idea that your so great the world needs more of you, we must see the beauty. The beauty of creating life, if one cannot see miracles , I hope it is self evident in the beautiful miracle of child birth,that in every human coupling, a thousand million sperm our made ,vieing for a single egg, multiplied with the odds of countless generations, against the odds of your ancestors being alive; and then meeting; siring this precise son; a exact daughter until your parents meet , and of that union, of the thousand million children competing for fertilization, one single child is born ,you, only you, out of the chaos of improbability to form such specific individual its simply unlikelihood is a miracle in itself.

But out of this selfish miracle what do we do, I would say that most parents want their child to be "happy". Whether that's just simply giving in to their tantrums at four or accepting their dreams of being a "actor" at twenty. I think thats when we realize that the goal is for lack of better words is simply "happiness",then the parent decides on the way, method, or theory to get their child their. My mom said she really didn't have a plan, that she wanted to be my friend and parent which most and I would see why argue you against. That all she hoped for in raising me is that through the lessons she taught me , I become a good person. Someone who is considerate ,responsible, caring, and happy. That was her only guiding principle. I think for the most part she did that, tho I'm lacking in responsibility its not because it was a lack of teaching from my mother but yet because I'm just not responsible when it comes to certain stuff.Tho we both agreed that I may lack a sense of structure in certain areas that might been fault of hers, because of a certain lack of structure.

Children our a big part of a parent's life, even if they don't want to admit it they our the center of their life's as well. I mean children take up time, effort,money, love, and even some of the parents personnel happiness. Children have a great deal of power in the relationship. Parenting is a all consuming job which can and should last a lifetime. Is a job that you don't get "payed" for in the money sense, its one that you hope your actions speak louder then yours words. Parenting is a tipping scale in which you hope all the good things you did cancel out or at least balance out your f**k ups. Its something that deep down you hope you get a thank you for but don expect. It's when you recognize that your time and energy are no longer focused on you, its for a lot of people when they grow up, when they stop being a child and become a adult.

A child with all its rewards is also a great burden . A child when hurt by a friend, or angry at the world, or angry at sibling, or challenging authority, or just in to something is a burden which is unimaginable. They expect you, and it many ways you have to ,hold the weight of their world with you the weight of your own. A parent for the most part is made to become a worry wort, constantly protecting their offspring from a unknown world, which they seem to forget they survived the later half of by themselves. What a life for a parent, a life constantly changing overtime with little or no control over the outcome of their children's actions or who they''ll become in the world, how scary .

It makes you think why have a child, why must you be burden with such a miracle ,what makes it worth it? I'm not sure. I think in my hearts of hearts it just the unconditional love you receive from your child that makes it worth it, when you hear that little or even big adult child look at you and say "daddy I love you , mommy I love you". It’s the fact of knowing that your appreciated by somebody , that your loved by somebody, that you have a meaning in someone eyes. Children give purpose is the mist of chaos. It seems to give a sense that you have helped someone, you have made a difference in someone’s life. It is the picture of love.I'm not sure if I'll ever be a dad, the odds are I will but I don't know. I know right now its way to much responsibility, but I hope, because that's all parenting is "hoping", that when that day comes I'll be a good of a parent if not better then mine were to me, that my child grows up happy and loved. That they look to me and say "daddy I love you." That in a world so full of people, so crowded with that miracle of child birth that they don't become commonplacesent , that they don't gaze at the world and continually allow it to grow dull in their perceptions.But yet that they see the world from another vantage point, as if new, that it may take their breaths away, that they realize the miracle which is themselves and the miracle of being a good parent.

Monday, May 17, 2010

HW 57

Part 1:

What makes a good parent ? this is a very important question. I think parenting is about fixing mistakes, the mistakes of your own life.Parenting is trying to fix on the areas that you did not like about the way you were raised and changing and turning them around as you raise your own child. This is how you become a good parent.

Parenting is a twenty-four hour a day job, day in day out. Its a time were the child and the parent our still in may respects growing up , its a chaotic time. It the time were tough decisions our made , when you find out if your a "good parent" , where skills are developed to their fullest potential.

So what makes a good parent? A good parent is a person who is kind, patient,considerate, understanding, a good listener, helpful, , and authoritative at the proper times. But more then anything you have to love your child.You have to recognize your child's a individual, who will grow up to be a person, a person who might just grow up to be jut like you. We all make mistakes.We all fail.We all make bad decisions. Parenting is about falling and learning to pick yourself back up. Learning that you might bot be a "great" parent but all that matters, is you tryed, you did your best and gave all your love.The times that you want to be selfish and put yourself before your child you always choose your child.

Part 2:

I think parents get to focused on the theory of punishment ,they feel that every time their child misbehaves, they have to come up with some elaborate punishment to teach them a lesson. But most of these punishments end up never working. The parent is then left "defeated", like theirs nothing they can do to get through to their child.

My feeling is that nobody ever is really changed from being punished. Our society thrives on the idea of punishment but it seem to me our society also has a very high re-offense rate.So theirs seems to be a disconnect between the punishment and the lesson to be taught from it.We continue to be punished but we continue the same acts all way from drug use to speeding on the highway. I’m not trying to say people shouldn't’t be punished for their crimes but what is the point of punishment without learning, what is the point when theirs no change in behavior.

A punishment that does not involve learning how to solve the same issue the right way next time and being held accountable for your behavior is not effective. For example when a child is being down right rude to their parent, the parent therefore grounds him for let say a month but now what ? the child is just going to do time; he'll do his month and then be free. What has the child really learned? That parent have some misplaced believe that the child will learn If he or she does it again, he or she is going to be grounded for a month. But the sad truth is that when he's upset, he won’t remember that punishment at all. In fact, most kids and even many adults can't and don't recall past punishments with enough power to affect current behavior.

I think to really change behavior we must come away from the idea of punishments, and rename and refocus to the idea of consequences . When a child is given a unpleasant consequences it should be a learning experience. For instance, when a child is being rude the parent can decide that the child cannot use the computer until he treats his family with respect, but this consequence must be followed up with a discussion. By doing this the consequences our on point and really teaching thew lesson in this case ,respect and self-control. The whole idea is too teach the child what his responsibilities are, teach him how to meet them and then hold he or she accountable if they don’t. I think this helps the child to learn to function successfully in life.

HW 56

  1. How can we be sure that we really love someone?
  2. Does love wear out with time?
  3. What does getting married add or take from are lives??
1.,When you are completely comfortable with them ,physically & emotionally.

2.,I think romantically it does, but not like family wise

& i also think love can get stronger over time

3.,MMM.... i think it takes away from our personal freedom


1.,Im honestly not sure. thats why love can be complicated and why it takes a long time to truley find the one

2.,I think it can... but true love doesnt

3.,I dont know wat to sayyy but im like fifty fifty on the whole marriage thing, i think its great and it shows how commited you are to another person... although part of me is kinda of against it. i think it has become a little over rated because i dont think marriage should have to prove how much u love someone


1.,I dont think you can answer it because love comes in different forms, so the love you have for your parents is more natural than a romantic relationship

2.,I don't know if wear out is the right term... I think people can fall out of love or situations may happen where you see a side of the person that changes you perspective of them.

3.,Well I've never been married... but I mainly think it adds a label and gives the couple a seal of approval... however a lot of couples cheat on each other so I don't know how much a sign of commitment is really true.


1. i think that when we love someone, its someone that we can trust, someone that we can spend hours and hours with and never get tired, its someone that you can laugh with, someone that your proud down the street with, someone that cares about you, wants to know about your day, wants to be there for you when things get tough. love is when you can trust someone with anything. love is when you believe in what you have with that person, and nobodys gunna stop you.

2. i honestly that true love does not wear out. my parents have been together for 27 years, and there love is still strong. thats real love. it can wear out, but then that means that the love you had with that person wasnt strong enough to last. its better to have love and lost, than to not have loved at all.♥

3. getting married requires a lot of responsibilty. yes it may take out time from other things that you use to do like spending all your time with friends or going out and partying. but you also have someone there to spend your life with, to wake up with and go on adventures and laugh with, and learn things from. it takes away time from what you use to do, because you now have someone to do other things with.

love is a really special. and anyone who finds true love, is a lucky person♥

Survey Question :

Do You Think You'll Ever Get Married ?

Friday, May 14, 2010

HW 55

Overall Topic:

Link BTW Life And Relationships

Possible Questions:

Part 1:
Meaning Of Relationships/Why Do We Form Them ?

How Should We Live Our Life's ?

Do We Take For Granted The Relationships In Our Life's?

Is Their A Such Thing As Love ?

Why Do Most Marriages Fail?

Are We Our Parents?

Is Life Made Up Of Miracles Or Accidents ?

Are We Simply Living To Die Or Dieing To Live ?

Who Determines Who We Are ?

Is Their True Happiness And If So What Is It ?

How Are We Shaped By Are Environment ?

Can People Ever Change ?

Part 2:

Comment Left For Arden:

Well I think you have a good topic/question, since friendship seems to be a dominant force and common link in all are life's. Here our some others questions that you might want to add or use or even think about in further research:

1.,Can We Give Guidelines For Friendship ?

2., Is True Friendship Made Up Of Acceptance Or Conformity ?

3., Do We Choose Our Friends Or Does Society?

4., Is Their A "Real" Difference BTW Friends and Other Relationships?

5.,Are We Define By The Friends We Keep?

6.,Are We A Reflection Of Our Friends?

5., Can Complete Opposites Still Have The Citeria To Be A Good Friend ?

6.,Do We Grow With Friendships Or Simply Grow-out?

7.,Our Friendships Needed In Ones Life ?

8.,If A Majority Of High-School Friendships End After Four Year's Our They Important?

9., Our Their Different Types Of Friendships ?

10., Is Friendship A Formula, A Standard Scripted Relationship Or More?

11., What Our The Theories Be-hide Our Need And Ideals We Hold About Friendship?

Comment Left For Evan:

I think you have such solid beginning. Maybe you can house all of these questions under the umbrella of :

Are Our Identities Defined (or you can say Shaped) By Are Households?

Great job Evan.

Part 3:

New Question:

Are children of divorce more likely to suffer from behavioral, social,
academic, and psychological problems than children raised in two-parent families ?

Monday, May 10, 2010

HW 54

INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population.

I found this test to be oddly accurate, especially sense its not some fraud cussing your future or who you our is its a test that measure's how our preferences make up who we our. How we perceive the world and make decisions. I think theirs something in the idea that we hold the answers we seek. These preferences were taken from the theories of Carl Gustav Jung . I think that a knowledge of one self is something important to have to understand, maybe to the smallest degree it allows us to know how we fit into our own world, to understand our differences and the differences of others, it can make things overall more comfortable and effective.

According to Myers-Briggs test I was a INFP, at first I was a little shocked but as I read more into it, it was a very good summary of who Iam. I focus a lot of my energy into my own inner world and Im constantly feeling and thinking about the world around me. Coming up with new ideal and rules to live by . I really hope that the people care about find me to be "loyal". I always find myself in situations were Im sharing my ideas and hoping . I guess Im just curious to understand the world around me.